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International Arts News

The U.S. Commission of Fine Arts has voted to approve Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugimoto’s proposed redesign of the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C.​

Local Arts News


International Arts News


International Arts News

The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) has received a $42bn grant from the Mexican government to research archaeological sites that could be impacted by the construction of the controversial “Maya Train” project, a high-speed train line envisioned to stretch across 1,500 kilometres connecting several Mayan archaeological zones in the Yucatán Peninsula, from Palenque in Chiapas ...

Local Arts News

Cosmo Group Holdings (COSG)宣布,已經100%收購區塊鏈技術公司Coinllectibles,該公司最近透露,將於尖沙咀維港文化匯(Victoria Dockside)建立全球第一個跨界別NFTs(Non-Fungible tokens)藝術廊。

Local Arts News


International Arts News

Interpol has launched a new, free-to-download app to help law enforcers identify stolen art. It has already scored successes during pilot tests by police in Spain and Italy.

International Arts News

疫情延燒,民眾看藝術相關節目宅在家就可線上觀賞!台中國家歌劇院藝術總監邱瑗15日表示,去年成立「NTT Online」將200支以上藝術學習影片上傳至官方YouTube,今年1月至5月的頻道訂閱人數激增,平均每月新增千餘人,較去年同期訂閱人數成長近10倍,點閱冠軍是「沙龍講座」觀看次數累積已超過23萬次。