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International Arts News

文化部今(28)日辦理「打藝苗-文化藝苗 雙管齊下」記者會,由臺南七股樹子脚寶安宮白鶴陣、金鷹閣電視木偶劇團、苗栗陳家班北管八音團團隊的精彩演出中,宣布將祭出「傳統表演藝術」與「傳統工藝」雙管文化藝苗,補助傳統藝術團體於臺灣北、中、南、東及離島等地,進行傳統表演藝術與民俗陣頭演出、傳統工藝與保存技術推廣,戲曲復萌、戲曲經典作品巡演,以及舉辦各項傳統藝術展演旗艦活動,以協助無形文化資產復甦振興。

International Arts News

After months of mounting pressure and official news that embattled Museum of Modern Art board chair Leon Black would not seek re-election, the board has unanimously elected former longtime president Marie-Josée Kravis to replace him.

International Arts News

The Academy Awards looked different this year: The red carpet was hemmed, and the after-parties were cut.

Local Arts News


International Arts News

Five associations of French museums have penned an open letter to the French president Emmanuel Macron asking to be able to reopen in mid-May.




A fifth of museum staff and students surveyed by the American Alliance of Museums don’t expect to be working in the sector three years from now. The striking figure is part of a broader report released by the organization this week about the state of the field—and it makes clear that museums and their workers will continue to cope with the effects of the global health crisis for some time to come ...