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Tucked into Congress’s immense, end-of-year relief package is an item that must be regarded as just this side of a miracle: $15 billion to help save the entertainment industry — the largest public rescue of the arts in U.S. history.

The world's oldest opera house, the Teatro di San Carlo in Italy, has survived wars, fires and the Neapolitan revolution. But this year, as the theater launches its winter season program, the doors to the public have remained closed. The theater has not seen a live audience since March, the longest time in its history, due to the coronavirus pandemic.




Universal Pictures will take over the distribution and marketing of Warner Bros. theatrical releases in Hong Kong and Macau from January 1, 2021 onwards. WarnerMedia is understood to be laying off around a dozen employees as part of the change.

New research from Princeton University suggests that plexiglass barriers may not provide protection from COVID-19 for musicians.

While barriers do provide some protection, researchers say that they may also heighten risk in some instances. That’s because, while they prevent air flowing in to some extent, they also stop air moving out. Therefore, if you’re seated in the same section as someone ...


The songwriters behind some of the UK's biggest hit singles "are driving Ubers" to make ends meet, MPs have been told.


首次聯手呈現拍賣的富藝斯與保利拍賣,在「二十世紀及當代藝術和設計」2020香港秋季拍賣獲得總成交額逾5.08億港元的成果。同時,也刷新王俊傑(Matthew Wong)、盧卡斯·阿魯達(Lucas Arruda)、薩爾曼·托爾(Salmon Toor)、珍尼維·菲吉斯(Genieve Figgis)、哈威爾·卡列哈(Javier Calleja)、加藤泉(Izumi Kato)等12位藝術家世界拍賣紀錄。