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Three glass sculptures by artist Ai Weiwei were snatched from an exhibition at a gallery in Hamburg, Germany, during a daytime heist.​

Local Arts News

俗稱「主教山配水庫 」的前深水埗配水庫在2020年清拆期間,被發現地底有個逾百年歷史的古羅馬式建築,後來被評為一級歷史建築,並由水務署開辦導賞團有限度地對外開放,只是早前因疫情嚴峻而暫停。隨著政府的防疫措施放寛,前深水埗配水庫導賞團將於5月16日重新開放參觀,每日舉辦三團,讓大家親身前來這座香港首個以圓形築成的地下配水庫,慢慢欣賞其仿羅馬式石柱、紅磚拱券等古蹟建築設計,從而加深認識九龍食水供應系統發展的歷史。水務署從今日(3日)起開始接受預約,不消半日所有個人及團體參觀時段已經全部額滿至6月底,最快要7月才有機會進去參觀了!

International Arts News

A British tourist could face the death penalty in Iraq after being accused of smuggling artifacts out of the country.​

International Arts News

New York Art Week, having its inaugural run 5-12 May, was seeded last winter with a few conference calls among the leaders of New York-based art institutions and fairs. The Independent art fair founder Elizabeth Dee was on the phone with the likes of Noah Horowitz, formerly of Art Basel now of Sotheby’s, or White Columns director Matthew Higgs to brainstorm about the realities of a post-pandemic ...

Local Arts News


International Arts News

The New York Hispanic Society announced Thursday that they have acquired ten new works, including an allegorical portrait of the painter Francisco Goya by Eugenio Lucas Velazquez.​

International Arts News

Sonia Boyce of Great Britain has won the Golden Lion prize for Best National Participation at the 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia (The Milk of Dreams, 23 April-27 November). Boyce’s work Feeling Her Way features a chorus of Black female voices set against tessellating wallpaper and golden 3D geometric structures. “The rooms of the pavilion are filled with sounds ...

International Arts News


Local Arts News

因為新冠疫情影響,原訂於2021年舉行的第59屆威尼斯雙年展延期於明天23日開展,今屆主題為《The Milk of Dreams》(暫譯:夢之牛奶),探討人與科技、物質與地球的關係等。當中香港藝術家徐世琪將代表香港參與今屆外圍展,聯同西九文化區M+與香港藝術發展局呈獻展覽「徐世琪:懸浮,香港在威尼斯」。​