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由香港藝術發展局(藝發局)主辦的「第十五屆香港藝術發展獎」頒獎禮,於5月30日假九龍灣國際展貿中心圓滿舉行。當日共頒發了 31 個獎項予本地藝術工作者、團體、學校及機構,以表揚他們在藝術方面的成就,以及推動香港藝術發展方面的貢獻。今年「藝術家年獎(藝術評論)」得主是朱少璋博士,而陳秄沁小姐和陳定邦先生則分別獲得「藝術新秀獎(戲劇)」和「藝術新秀獎(戲曲)」。

International Arts News

After three years of courtroom hostilities, the estate of the artist Robert Indiana and the artist’s former business partner said Friday that they had agreed to settle the legal disputes that cost the estate millions of dollars and clouded the market for a man known for such works as the sculpture, “LOVE.”

Local Arts News

香港人權藝術獎 2021 昨天 (2021年6月8日) 於頒獎典禮公布結果,香港藝術家李羲樺的作品《綠色的牆》榮獲冠軍,並獲得港幣 35,000 元獎金。該作品於 33 份入圍作品中突圍而出,描述於一個尋求庇護家庭在港的困境。亞軍及港幣 7,500 元獎金由Alexandar Treves的攝影作品《Towards Leviathan, together》獲得,而季軍及港幣 5,000 元獎金則由鄧伯軒的《有處無處》獲得。今年比賽繼續由本地及國際藝術專才進行獨立評審工作,評審包括黃子欣、周穎璇、鄭嬋琦、黃國才博士、Katherine Vajda及Peter Augustus Owen。

Local Arts News


Local Arts News


International Arts News

Arlington House, the Virginia mansion best known as the onetime home of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee, has reopened to the public after a $12.3m restoration and the introduction of a new narrative that illuminates the lives of the enslaved people who lived there.

International Arts News

Following recent moves by European museums to return African art treasures to Nigeria, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York announced Wednesday that it is sending three objects back to the country.​

Local Arts News


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Local Arts News
