2015 Cultural Leadership Summit - Raising For our Future: Arts Funding and Philanthropy In Hong Kong

Jointly presented by Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association and Leisure and Cultural Services Department
In Partnership with British Council and West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Australian Consulate-General
Date: 10-11 June 2015 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Venue: Ko Shan Theatre New Wing (opened in October, 2014, details: www.lcsd.gov.hk/kst)
[Registration has closed now. On-site registration is welcome. Please have exact change to pay the registration fee at door. Thank you for your attention.]
2015 Cultural Leadership Summit House Programme:
House Programme Part 1
House Programme Part 2
Highlight Recap
Box office, public funding and private donations/sponsorships represent the 3 financial lifelines to any performing arts organization or artist. Hong Kong, with its own unique course of arts development, has seen its arts industry focused on the first two legs until recent years when the rapid development of the arts and culture is outpacing the increases in public funding and box office revenue. More focus, therefore, has been given to raising private funds by organizations of all sizes from WKCDA to cultural SMEs in order to cater to their own artistic and financial needs and sustain their growths.
Cultural Leadership Summit is HKAAA’s annual major event. With different themes every year, the association pursues excellence and professionalism in the practice of arts administrators. 2015 marks the 30th Anniversary of the HKAAA. With the theme “Raising for our Future: Arts Funding and Philanthropy in Hong Kong”, this year’s Cultural Leadership Summit aims to develop an enterprising culture in which the artistic visions of the organization or individual is placed at the very heart of their business model and ethos in order to attract the highest level of support from private giving and businesses.
The two-day symposium, with talks, workshops, round-table discussions and networking sessions, will focus on developing the skills of individuals and organizations seeking to fundraise from the private sector, individual donors as well as their own boards through knowledge-exchange, resources and thought leadership. To help further understand the issues and identify the way forward for arts practitioners operating within Hong Kong’s unique environment, the Summit will bring together some of the best minds in the practice of fundraising for the arts and culture from the city and overseas. The Funders / Collaborators Platform is a new initiative this year to connect arts groups and potential funders and collaborators.
The Summit will benefit CEOs, trustees of arts organizations big and small, as well as anyone who is tasked with raising funds for the future of their arts.
Officiating Guest for Opening Ceremony
Ms Florence HUI, SBS, JP Under Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR
Summit Speakers / Panellists / Respondents / Moderators / Facilitators (updated as on 19 May 2015)
Ms Winona CHAN
Mr Benny CHIA, BBS
Dr Oliver CHOU
Ms Winsome CHOW
Ms Ribble CHUNG
Sir Vernon ELLIS, Chair, British Council (United Kingdom)
Mr Colin GOH, Chief Executive Officer, The RICE Company Limited (Singapore)
Ms Penni HALL
Ms Tisa HO
Mr Michael MACLEOD
Ms Fiona MENZIES, Chief Executive Officer, Creative Partnerships Australia (Australia)
Ms S. Alice MONG
Mr Robert NESS
Mrs Marissa FUNG SHAW
Mr Alex TAM
Mr Paul TAM
Prof TSENG Sun-man, JP
Prof Bernadette TSUI
Ms Fiona WAT
Ms Bonny WONG
Mr Raymond WONG
Ms Lynn FC YAU
Ms Mandy YIU
Ms Flora YU
And more...
Early Bird 2-Day Pass (before 20.5.2015)
HK$1,000 (HKAAA members/LCSD/HKADC Year Grantees)
2-Day Pass
HK$1,100 (HKAAA members/LCSD/HKADC Year Grantees)
HK$600 (Full-time Students)
1-Day Pass
Half-day Pass
Language: mainly in English & Cantonese; with simultaneous interpretation in English, Cantonese and Mandarin at Auditorium Stalls.
Concurrent Event: HKAAA 30th Anniversary Dinner
2015 marks the 30th anniversary of HKAAA. To celebrate the efforts and contribution of our founders and fellow arts practitioners, the HKAAA 30th Anniversary Dinner will be held at The Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kong on 11 June 2015 (Thur). The dinner will also mark the close of HKAAA's annual Cultural Leadership Summit. Please join on on this special occasion!
Date: 11 June 2015 (Thur)
Time: 7pm – 9:30pm
Venue: Assembly Hall 1, 4/F North Tower, The Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kong
(41 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
The Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association reserves the right of final decision of any changes in venue, date, time, fee, content and speakers of the event due to unforeseen circumstances.