20% off discount on SingFest “Bach Motets Lecture Concert”!

[link_to | https://www.facebook.com/HongKongSingFest/photos/a.269681633135955.51024.261882053915913/511870722250377/?type=1&theater | Introduction]

[link_to | http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/uploads/hkaaa/201406/20140617_170404_6VcfSUan67_p.jpg | Handbill]


Programme Details

Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Date & Time: 1 Aug 2014 (Friday), 8pm

Original Ticket Price: $340, $240


**20% off discount for HKAAA Members. Please complete this [link_to | https://docs.google.com/a/flowermusic.hk/forms/d/1wVf5eftCfEto7oiwi4bjLv_6kjpBdWzoWW4KmjOfIWA/edit# | booking form] on or before 1 July.


Programme Enquiries:852-5514 6327