2014 Fellowships for Arts Management Experience (FAME) Programme

In this issue, we are thrilled to bring you some exciting updates of FAME!


Yolanda and Myra, the first two fellows of 2013 FAME have completed their respective attachments in Taiwan and Singapore! We are sure that the valuable experiences they gathered overseas will benefit their long-term professional development and the local arts fields!


In her last journal, Myra has got something very exciting to share with you! Want to find out how hectic the schedule of Property Department of Esplanade can be? Curious to know how important health and safety is for a performance venue? Then don’t miss out on Myra’s journal!


While Yolanda and Myra have come back to Hong Kong, the remaining 2013 FAME fellows, Edith and Ellen, will soon set off to Taiwan and Australia to start their internships at National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center in Taiwan and Adelaide Festival Centre in Australia respectively! If you want to find out more about their interesting attachment experience, stay tuned!


Moreover, a sharing session will be held later this year and all the 4 interns of 2013 FAME will share their inspiring overseas attachment experiences with all of you!  Details will be announced in due course. 


At the same time, we are pleased to announce that the call for applications for 2014 FAME has been closed! Thank you all for your interest in FAME! The selection is in full swing now! This year, we have received applications from arts administrators from various backgrounds. 


For 2014 FAME, we have the honour to invite the following veteran arts administrators to be our selection panelists:


1. Ms Celina Chin (Executive Director, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra)

2. Ms Ribble Chung (Council Member and Chairman of Arts Administration Group, Hong Kong Arts Development Council)

3. Mr Tang Shu-wing (Artistic Director, Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio)

4. Mr Louis Yu (Executive Director, Performing Arts, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority)

5. Ms Winona Chan (General Manager, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association)


With the support of the above experienced panelists, FAME can surely select the right candidates to receive a meaningful overseas attachment which will foster their professional development and facilitate their future contribution to their companies and the arts scene in the long run.


Results of the selection will be announced in mid–March. Can’t wait to know who the selected candidates are? Stay tuned!