The Arts-ray Series:The New Royal Shakespeare Theatre - Designing a modern theatre from inside out

Co-presented by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) and Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (HKAAA), in collaboration with Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technician and Sceongraphers 


Royal Shakespeare Theatre has been the home of the Royal Shakespeare Company since it was originally opened in 1932. It has always been a challenge for the directors trying to adapt Shakespeare’s plays, which were written to be performed in a limited space shared by actors and audience, to an expanded auditorium. Some seats were as far as 27 meters away which were too distanced for the audience to see the actors’ expressions.


To improve the audiences’ experience has been the main focus for the Royal Shakespeare Theatre redevelopment project. The new theatre formally reopened in 2011 with new auditorium seats 1040 people. The new thrust stage which is adjustable in shape and size has created a more intimate atmosphere. The distance of the audience from the stage has reduced to 15 meters only. Lights, acoustics and sightline have also been improved.


Mr. Simon Harper was the Deputy Project Director of Royal Shakespeare Theatre to oversee the renovation project. Duties include creating and overseeing the client brief, appointing the design team, managing stakeholder and public consultations, overseeing budget and programme setting, and liaising with funding bodies.


A workshop co-presented by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and the Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, in collaboration with Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technician and Sceongraphers, Simon will talk about how to get a brief right, identifying the right equipment, addressing concerns raised by the client and the obstacles, challenges of the project.


Speaker:  Simon Harper, Arts and Capital Projects Advisor
Date: 21 October 2013 (Mon)
Time: 7-9 pm
Venue: Board Room, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (29/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)
Language: English
Fee: HKAAA/ HKATTS Members @HK$120; Non-members @HK$180 


Limited Seats! Act Now!

Please submit your registration fee with [link_to | | ONLINE] by mailing the cheque to: Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, Room 1206, 12/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.