Arty Hour@HKAAA (Oct 2015) – Arts and the Cities – journey to US & Germany

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Let’s Arty Hour!

‘Arty Hour@HKAAA’ is an arts and cultural salon held by the Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association. The regular gathering will serve as an open platform for everyone to update each other on new happenings, exchange ideas and to facilitate arts and cultural development in the long run. We embrace an open forum with free discussions. Special guests will be invited to share their views and experience based on the topic.

The topic of coming ‘Arty Hour@HKAAA’ is “Arts and the Cities”. A city’s cultural profile has become a major factor to influence the quality of life and its branding for tourism. We are glad to have Ms Jass Leung and Ms Vivienne Chow to share their experience and insights after their journey to the United States of America and Germany respectively.

Come and share your views with us!

1) Ms Jass Leung, Art Critic and 2015 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, New York – Asian Cultural Council Fellow

2) Ms Vivienne Chow, Founding Director of Cultural Journalism Campus and Fellow of International Journalists' Programmes Asia-Pacific Fellowship, Germany

Date: October 26, 2015 (Monday)
Time: 1900 – 2100
Venue: Boom (G/F, 48 Sai Street, Sheung Wan)
Language: Cantonese

Free Event for the public!!
*Please pay cash at the bar for your drinks.


Please [link_to||register] now!