FAME 2013 Journal - Myra

December 2013


The fellowship in Esplanade allows me to attach in different departments for observation and learning. My first month in here is very fulfilling and interesting.


An artistic working environment


Once I stepped in the office of Esplanade, the artistic characters of this company come out immediately --- there are staff’s paintings all over the walls. They are created when Esplanade established in 2002 and celebrated its 10th Anniversary in 2012. It is interesting to find a lot of “durian” shaped domes, abstract expression or reflection of staff’s belief and expectation on Esplanade from the paintings.  In different corners of the office, there are round tables or sofa for rest, brainstorming, gathering or even meeting (of course they do have formal conference rooms as well). Outside the office is Library@ Esplanade. Inside the Esplanade mall, there are Harry@ Esplanade (a bar with Jazz music), Cookie Museum and etc. Overall, it projects an impression to me that whatever happens in here, it has to be arts related (of course, later on I learned that there are some exceptions)


Commercial <--> Arts?


In Esplanade, Partnership Development Department is responsible for sponsorship. In Hong Kong, similar department sometimes encounters an issue that sponsor’s advertising is too commercial and does not match the overall layout of arts organisation’s brochure at all. In here, all sponsor’s advertisings are specially designed. For example, advertisement for BMW is a luxury car covered by a silver cloth that is led by a dancer. Advertisement for a coffee company is a ballet dancer having a point toe movement with a slogan “The Right Balance” to demonstrate the balance between bitter and aromatic favor of coffee beans. Visa card is Esplanade’s core sponsor. Its’ advertising is a simple slogan “Activate Art”. One sentence only but it links two various things together. Every time I saw their advertisings, I admire their brilliant design. 


Later on I will be attached to Box Office, Customer Service and even Security Department.  More observations and learning are coming!