Free Event of 2015 Cultural Leadership Summit: Funders / Collaborators Platform

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Jointly presented by Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association and Leisure and Cultural Services Department 

In Partnership with British Council and West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Australian Consulate-General

With the theme “Raising for our Future: Arts Funding and Philanthropy in Hong Kong”, 2015 Cultural Leadership Summit aims to develop an enterprising culture in which the artistic visions of the organization or individual is placed at the very heart of their business model and ethos in order to attract the highest level of support from private giving and businesses.

The Funders / Collaborators Platform is a new initiative this year to connect arts groups and potential funders and collaborators.
FREE Event

The Funders / Collaborators Platform is a free event for public. It connects arts groups and potential funders and collaborators and helps arts practitioners to know more about different funding and collaboration schemes. 


Funders / Collaborators Platform

Date:      10-11 June 2015 (Wed-Thu)

Time:      2:30pm – 5:30pm

Venue:    Singing Practice Rooms, 4/F, Ko Shan Theatre New Wing (opened in October, 2014, details:


Participating Organizations (In Alphabetical Order)


  • FringeBacker

FringeBacker is the world's first online crowdfunding platform in both English and Chinese to facilitate artists, athletes, charities, designers, filmmakers, food creators, games and IT developers, inventors, musicians, performers, publishers, sportspersons and other talented individuals and organisations to reach out to financial backers. Since its launch in 2012, FringeBacker has transformed how any creative, innovative industry or charitable organisation interacts with its financial backers, allowing everyone to engage in the process of bringing creativity and charitable efforts to life.

FringeBacker is a Network Partner of the UNESCO Arts in Education Observatory RLCCE.


Reference Article:

[link_to||「眾籌」香港追落後 青年創業夢成真 – 信報財經新聞 (18-05-2015)(In Chinese only)

[link_to|| Hong Kong yet to catch up on crowdfunding boom – ejinsight (26-05-2015)]

[link_to||港眾籌網摸石過河 東方較保守 集資有難度 –頭條日報 (01-06-2015)(In Chinese only)

  • Home Affairs Bureau


- Arts Development Fund (Cultural Exchange Project)
The Arts Development Fund administered by the Home Affairs Bureau aims at advancing cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and other places, promoting local arts and culture, and enhancing Hong Kong's international image. The Fund supports local organisations or individuals with a high level of artistic excellence or proven track records in arts to participate in outbound cultural exchanges. In 2014, $3.2 million was approved for 50 cultural exchange projects under the Fund.


- Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
The Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme aims to fill the gaps between various public funding schemes and sources for the arts. An annual provision of around $30 million is to be disbursed under the Scheme to support large scale and cross-year arts and cultural initiatives/projects with a view to enhancing the capacity development of promising arts groups and arts practitioners; and encouraging the community and private sector to sponsor the arts. Since the launch of this Scheme in 2011, we have supported 39 Project Grant applications and 21 Springboard Grant applications at a total ceiling of $141 million.


  • Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Established in 1995, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC) is a statutory body set up by the government to support the broad development of the arts in Hong Kong. The major roles of ADC are to fund, support and promote the broad development of the arts including literary arts, performing arts, visual arts as well as film and media arts in Hong Kong. Aiming to foster a thriving arts environment and enhancing the quality of life of the public, the ADC is also committed to facilitating community-wide participation in the arts and arts education, encouraging arts criticism, enhancing arts administration and strengthening the work on cultural policy research.


Major development strategies:
• Nurturing promising artists and supporting arts groups in pursuit of excellence
• Nurturing arts administrators and enhancing the management and governance of arts groups
• Concerning arts environment and proposing policy recommendations
• Widening public participation and developing arts space
• Fostering strategic partnerships and bringing arts resources together


  • K11 Art Foundation

Founded by Adrian Cheng in 2010, the K11 Art Foundation (KAF) is a registered not-for-profit organisation that supports the development of Chinese contemporary art from greater China by providing a creative platform that nurtures artistic talents and brings them to the international stage.
The foundation has embarked on many international collaborations amongst them the Palais de Tokyo and Musée Marmottan in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Armory Show in New York, to showcase Chinese talents and the voice of the young generation.
With 11 studios for its artist-in-residence programmes in the K11 Art Village in Wuhan, KAF serves as the unique incubating springboard for young and emerging contemporary Chinese artists to create new and meaningful works. Beyond traditional art spaces, K11 Art Village serves as innovative exchange platforms between local and international artists.
Through research, initiatives and partnerships, the K11 Art Foundation offers to the Chinese public a diverse range of programmes and exhibitions fostering appreciation of arts and culture.


  • Leisure and Cultural Services Department Audience Building Office

The Audience Building Office is committed to promoting knowledge and appreciation of arts among the public and students by launching various audience building schemes and arts education activities on a territory-wide basis. Projects and schemes organized by The Audience Building Office, such as the Community Oral History Theatre Project, the Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme, the School Culture Day Scheme, the School Performing Arts in Practice Scheme and the Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students, have become important brands in local community arts and school arts education and have been receiving strong support and favourable response from the public and schools.


Enquiry: / 3621 0514



Concurrent Event: 2015 Cultural Leadership Summit

Into its 6th year, this year’s edition, co-presented with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and themed “Raising for our Future: Arts Funding and Philanthropy in Hong Kong”, will be held at Ko Shan Theatre New Wing on 10 and 11 June 2015. 


2015 Cultural Leadership Summit's Details and Registration: