Hong Kong Dance Alliance - Dance Enhance: Dance Appreciation & Criticism Writing Project 2014

Don’t miss the chance to learn to write like a professional! Apply Now! 


Funded by Arts Development Council Multi Project Grant, presented by Hong Kong Dance Alliance Limited


Dance Enhance was first introduced by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance in 2009.  It is a project to encourage dance appreciation and criticism.  The programme provided a platform for sharing and critical review for participants where they could exchange views, open up discussions, and publish reviews on various forms of dance. Tickets were provided for participants and in addition, well-experienced dance critics, choreographers, and dancers shared their perspectives with participants.


From September 2014 to January 2015, participants will attend a series of lectures and workshops to learn from experts, artists and writers. In addition, they will attend 4 dance performances presented by professional companies and write reviews on each of the performances. Outstanding works may even have a chance to get published in dance journal/hk or Hong Kong Dance Alliance website!


Limited places. Action Now!


Application Deadline: 12th September, 2014


For application details, please refer to [link_to|http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/uploads/hkaaa/201409/20140904_140233_2FMy1n25Dd_f.pdf| Programme Brochure] and [link_to| http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/uploads/hkaaa/201409/20140904_140233_S9RmSGec6L_f.pdf| Application Form].


Also stay tune to HKDA Website www.hkdanceall.org



Hong Kong Dance Alliance

Tel: (852) 2267 6631 | Email: admin@hkdanceall.org