Ms Winona CHAN, General Manager, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association

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Winona graduated from the City University of Hong Kong in Language Studies and holds an Executive Certificate in Finance and Business Management (HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education).   Formerly Manager, Executive Director's Office at the Hong Kong Arts Centre, where she was responsible for supervising the department in areas including corporate governance, donation and sponsorship, fund raising activities, management of personnel, resources and budget, membership schemes, policy, venue related projects, as well as promotion, planning and development of arts programmes for arts education, audience development, capacity building, and partnership building.


She was also the coordinator of HKAC 30th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner in 2007.  When she rejoined the Hong Kong Arts Centre in 2010, she supported the successful establishment and development of The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre and its management thereafter.


Winona has over 13 years of experience in arts administration and management and several years of working experience in multinational professional firm as well as large business companies where she has been trained to have strong business sense and a strategic mindset.  She joined HKAAA as Senior Manager in July 2013 and has been appointed as the first General Manager of HKAAA as the head of the organisation, effective October 2013.  During her first year with the Association, the Association has launched various new initiatives to promote the Association locally and internationally as well as the profession of Arts Administration/Management.  Winona has also been invited to various conferences in Hong Kong and overseas to share about the works of the Association and the arts development in Hong Kong.


She is currently a part-time instructor at the Hong Kong Art School teaching arts administration.  She has also worked previously for University Grants Committee, Ernst & Young, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and Sun Hung Kei Properties.  During her tenure with Sun Hung Kei Properties, she supported the development and launch of various hotel projects at the West Kowloon, Hong Kong and in Shanghai, China.


[link_to||Other Speakers of "2014 Cultural Leadership Summit – Branding Hong Kong Through the Arts?"]