Older Activities



  • 19 Feb 2008
    Briefing on Plans for the Central Police Station 
    by William Yiu
  • 16 & 17 Nov 2007
    Guangdong Study Tour
  • Jan to Jun 2007
    Introductory Talks on Arts Administration 
    Challenges and Opportunities to Arts Managers, a 12 part lecture series in collaboration with HKADC
  • 4 Dec 2006
    Luncheon Talk on West Kowloon Cultural District 
    by Vincent Fung
  • 2005
    Address on Arts Administration 
    by Darwin Chen
  • 2004
    Conference on the Business of Performing Arts 
    in collaboration with Hong Kong Arts Festival and Fringe Club
  • 21 Nov 2003
    Shenzhen Study Tour [more info]
  • 2003
    Professional Certificate in Arts Management 
    in collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre Arts School
  • 2002
    Professional Certificate in Arts Management
    in collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre Arts School