Other Government Bureaus and Departments


[link_to | http://www.createhk.gov.hk/en/service_createsmart.htm | Create Smart Initiative (CSI)]

Objective: To provide financial support to initiatives that are conducive to the development and promotion of creative industries in Hong Kong.

Supported organizations / events:

  • Make a Difference (MaD) 2011-2013
  • Hong Kong Arts Centre: Short films and animation projects

Application period / deadline: Throughout the year

Notes: CSI does not cover projects –

  • that fall under the scope of other dedicated Government funding schemes, including but not limited to the Film Development Fund, the Film Guarantee Fund, the Innovation and Technology Fund, the Arts Development Fund (Cultural Exchange Project) and the Grants of Hong Kong Arts Development Council; and/or
  • that will receive funding from other Government sources.



Education Bureau

[link_to | http://qef.org.hk/eng/index.htm | Quality Education Fund (QEF)]

Objective: To finance projects for the promotion of quality education in Hong Kong.

Target: Worthwhile non-profit making initiatives within the ambit of basic education, i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary and special education.

Supported organizations:

  • All Theatre Art Association
  • Alice Theatre Laboratory
  • Drama Gallery Ltd



Sustainable Development

[link_to | http://www.susdev.gov.hk/html/en/sdf/index.htm | Sustainable Development Fund]

Objective: to provide a central source of financial support for initiatives that will help to develop a strong public awareness of the principles of sustainable development and to encourage sustainable practices in Hong Kong.


  • Except in the case of applications from schools and individuals, the minimum amount to be applied for should be not less than $50,000 for each application.
  • There is no pre-set level of maximum funding for projects.

Supported organizations / projects:

  • Hulu Culture: Sustainable Development of Heritage and Cultural Project at Old District of Yau Ma Tei
  • Sai Kung District Community Centre: LOHAS Garden @ Sai Kung Community
  • Bravo Theatre: Developing a Sustainable Lifestyle - An Interactive Educational Drama



District Council

[link_to | http://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/index.html | Funds for district programmes]

Objective: For local arts and cultural groups to organize different activities for a particular district.


  • For details, please refer to the part “DC Activities” in different district pages.
  • Separate guidelines, application forms and application period for different districts. The Councils normally consider the applications from organizations which are registered in their own districts.



Tourism Commission

[link_to | http://www.tourism.gov.hk/english/mef/mef.html | Mega Events Fund]

Objective: To assists local non-profit-making organizations to host more attractive arts, cultural and sports events in Hong Kong.


  • Tier-1 Scheme: aims to provide financial incentive to attract new or established high profile mega events to Hong Kong such as sports events involving top international sports teams, world class classical or pop concerts, or international yacht races, etc.
  • Tier-2 Scheme: an enhanced version of the previous MEF scheme which aims to provide funding support to local non-profit-making organisations to host events which have the potential to become mega events in Hong Kong, especially those events which can showcase traditional Chinese culture and local heritage.