Public Forum- Cultural Leadership: The Asian Way?

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Throughout the world, the creative and cultural sector is growing in complexity and importance. The sector has a unique and vital socio-economic and political role to play in a world facing rapid environmental, social and economic change. With more than half of the global population and some of the fastest developing countries in the world, these changes are particularly visible in Asia. 

It is crucial that the future leaders and innovators of the creative and cultural sector develop ideas, skills and networks to drive the sector forward and ensure its relevance to the changing and culturally diverse societies around them. They are cultural entrepreneurs and change agents who leverage cultural knowledge and innovation to create social, economic and political value. 

You are invited to join cultural leaders from Asia and the UK to discuss how the value of culture is perceived in Asia, what the immediate challenges there are for the cultural sector in the region, and how cultural leadership can be nurtured locally. 

This forum is organized by The Advanced Cultural Leadership Programme (ACLP) at The University of Hong Kong and The British Council and takes place in the Asia Society in HK.



Session One - 
The value of culture in Asia


Moderator: Sir John Tusa Chair of the Clore Leadership Programme and Chair, University of the Arts London  



Fredric Mao
Founder and Director, Performing Arts Asia, Hong Kong  

Lesley Alway
Director Asialink Arts, University of Melbourne, Australia 

Kiwon Hong
Professor of Sookmyung Women's University, Korea 


Session Two - 
Branding culture in Asia

Moderator: Jane Wentworth Director of Jane Wentworth Associates, UK  


Lee Chor Lin
Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Arts Festival Ltd 

Kingsley Jayasekera
Head, Marketing and Digital, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Hong Kong 

Seonghee Kim
Artistic Director, Asian Arts Theater, Korea  

Session Three -
Approaches towards cultural leadership in Asia

Moderator: John Holden Visiting Professor, City University, London, and Associate, Demos 


Lars Nittve

Executive Director of M+, Museum for Visual Culture of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Hong Kong 

Dr Richard Grant
Chairman, Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa  

Norihiko Yoshioka
Deputy Director, The Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam 

Session Four -
Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation in Asia

Moderator: John Newbigin Cultural Entrepreneur, UK


Douglas Young
Founder and CEO of Goods of Design, Hong Kong

Robin Serrano
Associate Dean, School of Design & Arts, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Philippines

Ridwan Kamil
Founder and Principal, Urbane Indonesia

Zeng Yanbin
Art director and Curator of ScreenOut Film Exhibition, China

Session Five -
Nurturing cultural talent in Asia

Moderator: Dr Maria Balshaw
Director of the Whitworth Art Gallery 
and the Manchester City Galleries


Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto
Director, Center for Arts and Culture, NLI Research Institute, Japan

Tay Tong
Managing Director of Theatreworks and Director of Arts Network Asia, Singapore

Amna Kusumo
Founder and Director, Kelola, Indonesia

Lynn Yau
Chief Executive Officer, The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), Hong Kong



Date: 26 July 2013 (Friday)

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Venue: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Hall, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty

Fee: - HK$1,100 (Full rate)
        - HK$880 (Early-bird rate on or before 12 July)
        - HK$550 (Full-time student)
        Lunch and refreshment included

Register: Register here (Registration closes on 23 July 2013)

Remarks: Conducted in English


The organiser reserves the right to modify the programme without prior notice.

