From Public Funding to Cultural Industries – the evolution of PIP by Jim Chim

Started initially as a project grantee, Theatre Ensemble Ltd has established itself over the years to become a one year grantee, then a three year grantee and finally one of the leading flagship companies funded by the HAB before it became totally independent in 2008, operating now under the name of PIP Cultural Industries Ltd. In the context of reduced public funding for the arts and the recent government initiative to develop arts and creative industries, the strategic development of PIP would serve as an interesting case, providing insights into a possible business model for the arts.

SpeakerMr Jim Chim, Artistic Director and Managing Director, PIP Cultural Industries Ltd
Date15/1/2010 (Fri)
VenueConference Room 5, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 27/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East , Wanchai, Hong Kong
FeeMembers $150; Non members $200
For enquiries, please call Ms Cecilia Wong at 2877 7268