The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation

[link_to | | The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation -  Arts and Culture Grants]

Objective: To support efforts that make Chinese arts – from ancient times to today – approachable and relevant to audiences worldwide. We support the creation of works, exhibitions and publications that offer original perspectives and improve the quality and accessibility of Chinese arts and scholarship.

The Foundation seeks to maximise our collaborative impact by offering funding opportunities which foster long-term sustainability and success. We encourage applications for innovative projects and programmes that will have impact on those areas which are focused upon by the Foundation.



We welcome applications from local Hong Kong and overseas nonprofit organisations.

Organisations that are registered and operating in Hong Kong may be registered societies, limited companies by guarantee, or charitable institutions or trusts of a public character which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

Applicants outside of Hong Kong should be of non-profit status in accordance with the regulations of their local jurisdiction.


Application/ Grant-making Process

Prospective applicants should initially submit a letter of inquiry summarising their proposal. A letter of inquiry will help us determine the organisation’s eligibility and the project’s alignment with the Foundation’s mission and programmatic goals.

Should an organisation be invited to submit a full proposal, they will receive more detailed instructions from Foundation staff.

Based on the final proposal, Foundation staff will determine whether to submit a grant recommendation to our Grants Management Committee at one of its bimonthly meetings or further, to the Board of Directors.


For application details, please click [link_to |!/grant-programmes/1/apply | here].