Special Offer to HKAAA- Detention

打轉教室DETENTION (第四度公演4th Run in Hong Kong)

好玩、充滿創意又過癮!Entertaining, Creative & Crazy!


DETENTION is a fresh example of classic Hong Kong humour that translates to all audiences without words. Performed by a group of talented comedians, drummers, tap dancers, xiqu (Chinese Opera) performers & even a Kung Fu master! The story is set during an after-school detention session where three naughty boys are joined by a gorgeous classmate, and they end up turning "detention" into a talent competition for her affection! When their short-tempered yet ‘extraordinary’ teacher suddenly checks in on them, a series of crazy classroom scenarios play out in a comical and farcical manner! There will be three talented casts sharing duties across the 33 performances. Detention is a fresh example of classic Hong Kong humor that doesn't need words to entertain, and is suitable for all ages. Don’t miss your chance to see this internationally acclaimed theatre event!



Performance Venue演出地點: Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre香港藝術中心壽臣劇院

Performance Dates演出日期: 2-18 AUG 2013

MON – FRI 5:30PM

SAT 2:30PM; 5:30PM; 8:30PM

SUN 2:30PM; 5:30PM

(逄星期二休息Off on TUE)


CAST PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE please visit三組演員演出時間請瀏覽





Exclusive discount of $130 for performances on Aug 2 & 5 (17:30) or $200 for performances on other dates (original price $260; Discounted tickets are limited.)  
憑此電郵消息可以$130 訂購《打轉教室》門票 (只限8月2及5日 17:30 場次) 或
$200訂購門票 (8月2及5日 17:30 以外的其他場次) *原價$260;優惠票數量有限。


For ticket reservation, please send an email to info@tswtheatre.com with the following information: Dates of performance / Amount of tickets / Name / Contact number.

Please specify the email subject as 'HKAAA special offer - Detention'.  

如欲訂票,請將欲訂票的場次、數目、姓名及聯絡電絡電郵至info@tswtheatre.com 並將電郵標題為「HKAAA打轉教室特別優惠」


Enquiries 查詢: (852)2144 5335