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For the first time a Van Gogh painting is being auctioned in the Far East by one of the West's major auction houses—a sure sign that the market is shifting away from Europe and North America. The main buyers of Vincent’s work are now in China, Hong Kong and Korea.​

International Arts News


Local Arts News

LIVE chief executive Greg Parmley has said that while the UK Government-backed £800m (€929m/$1bn) reinsurance scheme for the live events industries is welcomed, there are still gaps in the cover available to provide real security.

​Looted treasure is being returned to Ethiopia over a century and a half after it was stolen by British troops. The Scheherazade Foundation, a British nonprofit, purchased the cache of Maqdala artifacts earlier this summer and turned them over to the Ethiopian ambassador to the U.K. at a ceremony at London’s Athenaeum Club on Wednesday.​

Local Arts News

瑞銀集團(UBS)與巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel)聯合發布了由著名文化經濟學家、Arts Economics創辦人克萊兒.麥坎安德魯(Clare McAndrew)博士撰寫的 2021 年度中期調查報告《藝術經銷商抗逆力》。在新冠疫情(COVID-19)的影響仍持續發酵下,這份報告重點針對700多位藝術品和古董經銷商進行了從業結構與銷售狀況的調查。​

International Arts News

The arrest of the British antiques restorer Neil Perry Smith in July is not the first instance of a restorer becoming embroiled in crime. Smith was extradited to the US and charged on 29 counts for his alleged cleaning and repairing of antiquities for Subhash Kapoor, the dealer accused of leading a conspiracy to loot and offload an estimated $143m worth of ­antiquities from Asia onto the New York ...

International Arts News


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