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疫情重擊藝術界、各國提出緊急紓困方案至今,我們都已經知道這將會是個長期抗戰。根據日前統計指出,美國創意產業已失去270萬個職位和 1500億美元。然而,面對這樣『前所未有』的長期對抗,各國文化部會也都將投入國家資源在藝文產業長期紓困嗎?

A film festival is about more than just the films and the festival center. It is about the location, the journey, the experience. Here on Deadline we’ll be bringing you updates on what it’s like to be on the ground at the Venice Film Festival, the world’s first major COVID-era film event.


Earlier this month, the organizers of the Dallas Art Fair announced the cancelation of this year’s event, and they made it clear that they did not intend to reimburse the deposits or booth fees that participating galleries had already paid.




阿嬤級的委內瑞拉藝術家露西亞.烏爾塔多(Luchita Hurtado, 1920-2020)於本(8)月14日,在她的「百歲人瑞大展」前過世,令人難過不已。

Many of New York’s museum leaders have taken pay cuts to offset some of the financial damage their institutions are suffering from their Covid-related closures. But at a time when museums are facing their most severe financial downturn in decades, one that has led some to make painful cuts in staff, critics are questioning whether such reductions go far enough.
