News Listing

As entertainment venues slowly reopen, the orchestra makes its return in Paris and across most of Europe with new distancing measures in place both for on-stage and in seating areas.


20th Century Fox, one of the most-recognized names in entertainment history, is officially no more.


以往若從事音樂、繪畫的藝術創作,需要耗用大量物料資源,所費不菲。然而,Google又有新攪作,推出五個免費文化網上互動遊戲,除了可以透過遊戲促進音樂和繪畫創意外,還可以坐遊天下,於網上遊歷世界,在文化熱點打咭之餘,更可以遨遊學海,探索 Google 圖書內收藏的書籍。

More than 300 employees are due to be made redundant from the commercial arm of the Tate galleries next month as the organisation faces a “dramatic drop” in visitors and income, according to an email sent to staff by the Tate director Maria Balshaw yesterday afternoon.



As of July 20, most movie theaters in China have been allowed to reopen, with the exception of a few Covid hotspots like the far Western Xinjiang Province. Perhaps no one breathed a heavier sigh of relief than Fu Wenxia, Managing Director of the Shanghai International Film Festival. With opening night scheduled for July 25, the annual festival had been stuck in a state of limbo for months. Up ...
