【Only few seats are available】Arts Management Seminar Series: Life as a Curator

Event Date
04-09-2016 4:00 PM - 04-09-2016 6:00 PM

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(Chinese version only)



一新美術館由孫少文基金會於2015年創立,為本港近年備受矚目的非牟利民營博物館,而《凝煙翠 宋元明 • 龍泉青瓷》是一新美術館首個文物展覽,旨在以全新角度介紹中華文化裡重要而優雅的陶瓷藝術。

日期:2016年4月9日 (星期六)
時間:下午4:00 至 6:00


1. 費用全免,名額有限,香港藝術行政人員協會會員優先,先到先得。
2. 認識更多一新美術館,可瀏覽 www.sunmuseum.org.hk




名額尚餘少量,會員優先,立即 http://www.art-mate.net/doc/14919|報名]! 想成為我們的會員,可填妥 http://www.art-mate.net/?a=doc&id=11021|網上表格]。


“Arts Management Seminar Series: Life as a Curator” presented by Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association has been successfully held last Saturday (9 April 2016). On that day, a guided tour of the exhibition “Of Mist and Lushly Green: Longquan Celadon from Song to Ming Dynasties” was presented by Sun Museum, which enriched our knowledge towards this Chinese cultural.


Also, we were glad to have Mr Yeung Chun Tong, Museum Director of Sun Museum, and his fellow colleagues to share their experience in curating exhibitions as Sun Museum is a newly established, non-profit, non-governmental museum in Hong Kong, much effort is needed in every single step to curate an exhibition. Mr Yeung is devoted to nurture more young curators and hopes there will be more aspirants to contribute to the local museums.