Cost Less, Impact More! Online Marketing, Web Gadgets and Apps for Arts Promotion and Audience Development

12-20-2012 2:30 PM - 12-20-2012 5:00 PM

To face with the increasingly competitive environment, with changing public expectations and behaviour, arts organisations have been mindful to embrace new ways of engaging with their existing and potential audiences.


Customer-focus, personalization, porousness, interactivity are the watchwords for arts organisations (or all organisations!!) to sustain and remain relevant with customers and prospects in the 21st century. Then, how can technology help arts organizations to achieve more with greater ease?


This workshop is targeted for arts managers who would like to harness the power of the web and learn how to use online marketing tools and mobile apps to market and connect with their audiences. 


Internet entrepreneur, Mr Peter Choi, Managing Director, Palapple (H.K.) Limited (, also the owner of two startups: Snapshock (, and Hiwave Dry Seafood (, will share with us his experience in the commercial sector, introducing some interesting tools, methodologies and case studies from the commercial world that can possibly be transferable to the arts group usage; while Mr Chris Tang and Ms Jacqueline Lo from AlphaSoft Design (, web and apps developer for many arts organizations will introduce practical tools, gadgets for arts organization to enhance promotion and productivity, at the same time putting forward exciting apps from the international arts world! 


Representatives from Hong Kong Arts Festival and Leisure and Cultural Services Department will also respond to the speakers, giving practical suggestions to the practitioners in setting up and managing the online tools and applications.


Bring along your smartphone to this informative yet fun-filling practical workshop, and learn how to do more and work less!!


Speakers:           Mr. Peter Choi (Managing Director, Palapple)

                           Mr. Chris Tang and Ms Jacqueline Lo (Project Managers, AlphaSoft Design)

Respondents:    Ms Wendy Chung (Marketing Manager, Hong Kong Arts Festival Society)

 Ms Wendy Tsang (Principal Media Coordinator, Leisure and Cultural Services Department)

Date:                20 December 2012 (Thu)

Time:                2:30-5:00pm

Venue:             agnès b. Cinema, U/B, Hong Kong Arts Centre

                                    (2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong)

Language:                     Cantonese

Fee:                              Members @$150; Non-members @$200


Peter Choi 蔡智文  (MSc MBCS PMP CISA CISSP)
Managing Director, Palapple (H.K.) Limited

派亞普(香港)有限公司 董事總經理


Peter Choi, a Hong Kong internet entrepreneur and experienced project manager, is currently the Managing Director of Palapple, an mobile and web technology enterprise, as well as the owner of two startups: Snapshock (@snapshock), and Hiwave Dry Seafood (@hiwavesg). 


Snapshock (, a mobile app and web platform established by Peter, users in the same event can take photos with Snapshock and collectively broadcasted on the web, where people from around the world can view them instantly. It lets everyone become reporter. Hiwave Dry Seafood ( is an online retail store of Chinese dry seafood. It meshes up traditional Chinese rituals with web technology, rendering successes in both sales and exposure. The business was recently featured in Google internet market report ( and reported in Wall Street Journal Asia. 


Peter obtained his bachelor degree of Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong, and master degree of E-Commerce from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Along his career Peter never stop studying as he went on to obtain PMP, CISA, CISSP and other credentials. 


鄧偉健先生  盧敏樺女士

Mr Chris Tang & Ms Jacqueline Lo


Chris & Jacqueline, IT husband and Arts-Administrator wife.


When leaving her employment as the Operation Director of the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) at the end of 2008, Jacqueline felt there were no systematic online information which can orderly introduce the JCCAC artists, art groups and their activities to the public. This was how was established, also a starting point for Jacqueline and Chris to serve the arts practitioners through IT profession. 


Have provided IT service to arts groups including Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong and Yau Ma Tei Theatre Venue Partnership Scheme, JCCAC, and Academic Community Hall of Hong Kong Baptist University, to name a few; supporting arts groups in utilizing IT tools effectively in arts promotion and audience building, data and contact management, as well as finding innovative ways to minimize routine administration tasks.  


Chris has recently awarded a grant from YMCA in building an online database on local theatre performances -, hoping to contribute to the development of the arts scene.


Chris was graduated in computer science, receiving his Bachelor and Master degrees from local university; while Jacqueline has been working as an arts administrator, previously served in Hong Kong Arts Development Council, JCCAC and Leisure and Cultural Services Department.