Hong Kong Arts Administrators Recruitment Day

08-09-2014 2:00 PM - 08-09-2014 6:00 PM

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Free Admission!

HKAAA is devoted in the development of arts administrators in Hong Kong and beyond as means to facilitate the improvement of local arts and cultural scene. Noting the increased demand of aspiring talents in the field, HKAAA is organizing the first Hong Kong Arts Adminstrators Recruitment Day on 9 August 2014 to connect local caliber with arts organizations.


This event will serve as a recruitment platform for participating organizations and job seekers to apply and interview on-day. HKAAA will also host a series of career talk, joining conversation with managerial personnel of leading arts organizations in Hong Kong.


The recruitment day is now open for application by interested organizations. Please refer to http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/?a=doc&id=8409&lang=tc | Chinese version for more details.


Coverage of Hong Kong Arts Administrators Recruitment Day

Presented by Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, the 1st Hong Kong Arts Administrators Recruitment Day was successfully concluded last Saturday (9 August 2014). There were over 500 participants and we wholeheartedly thank for the support. Due to the venue capacity, we had to hold a crowd control and might have caused inconvenience to aspirants, for which we feel deeply sorry. The job vacancies on the recruitment day are listed on our website, please visit for job details and contact the corresponding arts organizations for application. We appreciate Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre as the venue supporting organization, Recruit, our exclusive media partner, participating arts organizations, guests (Mr Low Kee Hong, Ms Eve Tam and Mr Paul Tam) and volunteers. Thanks again for your support!


The recruitment day serves as a platform to connect arts organizations with high caliber who aspire to arts administration. It is free for admission and all expenses are borne by HKAAA.


We look forward to seeing you next time!