Interflow Programme: Standing Room Only! Insights on Marketing and PR Strategies for Arts Organizations in Hong Kong

12-20-2011 4:00 PM - 12-20-2011 5:30 PM

In the perfect world, we would always love to have more marketing budget for publicizing productions, events as well as for company branding and PR.  But in reality, in facing the economic downturn and reduce public funding, most arts organizations are marketing on a stringent budget.  How to promote our events and organization effectively with limited budget?  Dr KaterinaTsetsura, the Associate Professor in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma, will share with us her insights.


Currently a Visiting Associate Professor at the City University of Hong Kong (Fall 2011), Dr Tsetsura has done extensive work on investigating public relations and media practices in various parts of the world including China. After staying and working in Hong Kong for 5 months with some understanding on our society and culture, Dr Tsetsura is going to share with us her views on the media, marketing and PR practices in Hong Kong, highlighting our unique strength and inspiring us with innovative bold new strategies and ideas.  Targeted specially for arts managers and practitioners, Dr Tsetsura will be giving us tips in maximizing our PR efforts and suggesting ways of improvements.


Admission is free. Come and join this informative yet relaxed event, and celebrate Christmas with our fellow practitioners after the talk with a drink! 


To avoid disappointment, please act now as applications will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis.  Please fill in the attached registration form and return to


Date:                20/12/2011 (Tue)

Time:                4:00-5:30pm

Venue:             1/F Fringe Studio, Hong Kong Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong

Language:         English


Speaker:           Dr Katerina Tsetsura