Making Arts Sustainable – Crowdfunding for Arts Workshop

09-26-2013 2:30 PM - 09-26-2013 5:30 PM

Looking for funding to realize a creative idea?  Any alternative to source funding besides traditional ways of funding?

In late August, one of the leading international practitioners of performance art, Marina Abramović successfully raised US$661,454 from 4,765 contributors to realize her ambitious project - Marina Abramović Institute.  The funds were raised through Kickstarter, the world’s leading online crowdfunding platform.

Crowdfunding is a new, accessible funding model and there were over 450 crowdfunding platforms worldwide in 2012*.  The platform is rather new to the arts and cultural sector in Hong Kong.  Having said that, there are some recent creative projects successfully funded by crowdfunding in Hong Kong.

What is Crowdfunding?  How does it work?  Besides raising funds, how can you achieve more through Crowdfunding platform?

Presented by HKAAA, this workshop is targeted for anyone who is looking for funding to realize their creative idea and learn how to use online crowdfunding platform to raise funds and connect with their potential supporters.  If you would like to make a contribution to a sustainable arts and cultural development in Hong Kong, you are also welcome to join to explore how crowdfunding platform works.


  1. The concept of crowdfunding and the market for crowdfunding platforms and projects for arts and creative industries by Mr Conor Roche, Co-funder of Culture Fund
  2. Crowdfunding for Arts in Hong Kong (with case studies) by Ms MaryAnn Hwee, Executive Director of FringeBacker, an online platform for crowdfunding and a network partner of UNESCO Arts in Education Observatory RLCCE (


  1. Professor Samuel Leong, Director, UNESCO Observatory for Research in Local Cultures and Creativity in Education
  2. Ms Anna Cheng, Independent Producer @ air between us

*Crowdfunding Industry Report by