Persuasive Proposal to Engage…Your Funder - Grant Proposal Writing Workshop for Arts Practitioners

03-08-2012 9:30 AM - 03-08-2012 5:00 PM

Persuasive Proposal to Engage…Your Funder

Grant Proposal Writing Workshop for Arts Practitioners


Grant writing is often one of the most overwhelming and time-consuming tasks artists and arts organizations faced with, yet mastering the art of grant writing is critical, especially when the funding bodies often receive thousands of applications competing over very limited resources.


So how can you make your proposal stand out in the stacks? 


This one-day intensive and hands-on workshop will lead the participants through the process of writing a grant proposal.  Participants will be actively engaged in exercises and activities so to learn to develop and critique proposal components.   Workshop contents include: 


·       Arts Funding Available in Hong Kong

·       The Success Factors (what the funders are looking for)

·       Project Planning and Proposal Writing

·       Components of the Proposal

·       Budget Preparation

·       The Presentation: crafting a clearly and compelling proposal


Examples of good and bad proposals will be discussed, and advices will be given on how to strengthen the proposals for young and relatively unknown artists.  Issues on how to successfully steward a grant (such as project and budget revision, grant reporting, building relations with funder, maximizing project effects) will also be discussed.


The workshop will be taught in a small-class setting, so to provide in-depth discussions and advices in helping you to tie the knot with your funder.  Participants are encouraged to bring along your working proposals too.


Guest Speaker:  Prof Tseng Sun-man (Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education)

          Speaker:           Ms Josephine Wai (Former Director (Arts Support), Hong Kong Arts Development Council)

            Date:                8 March 2012 (Thu)

            Time:                9:30am-5pm (lunch time @ 12:30pm-2pm)

            Venue:              Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Conference Room (27/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong)

            Language:         Cantonese

            Fee:                  Members @$600; Non-members @$720 (Lunch included)