Presented by HKAAA- HKADC Nomination Exercise 2013 Candidate Forum for Arts Administration

Event Date
09-19-2013 1:15 PM - 09-19-2013 2:30 PM

Venue: Underground Theatre, Hong Kong Fringe Club (2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong)


  • Mr Benny Chia (Director of Hong Kong Fringe Club, Founding Member of HKADC, Vice-Chairman of HKAAA)


  • (No. 1) Ms Ip Yun Yun
  • (No. 2) Ms Ribble Chung
  • (No. 3) Mr Eddy Au


  • Hon Ma Fung Kwok (Member of Legislative Council (Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Constituency) and Ex-Chairman of HKADC)
  • Ms Connie Lam (Chairman of HKAAA, Executive Director of HKAC)
  • Ms May Fung (Independent Arts & Cultural Worker, Ex-Council Member of HKADC)



1:15 Introduction

1:20 Candidate Platform Presentation (10 minutes each)

1:50 Question and answer session from the floor 

2:30 End of Forum