不同國家 / 城市的藝術文化生態如何影響當地的藝術管理和推廣?


Speakers will share their views on how the cultural ecology of Hong Kong differs from those cities /countries where they have stayed or worked for some time. Please visit http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/doc/21370?tab=3 for more details.


Date: 11 Mar 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am- 12:00pm (Public Forum)
         12:30pm - 13:00pm (Information Session)


Public Forum
Moderator: [link_to|http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/?a=doc&id=14251|Professor Tseng Sun-man - Co-Programme Leader of EMA(AME), The Education University of Hong Kong]
Guest Speakers:
    - [link_to|http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/doc/21400|Ms Heidi Lee Oi Yee - Associate Dean, Cheung Kong School of Art & Design,Shantou University]
    - [link_to|http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/doc/21401|Miss Orlean Lai - Independent project manager and producer]
    - [link_to|http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/doc/21402|Ms Christy Lee Shuk Kwan - Programme Manager, Chung Ying Theatre Company (HK) Limited]

Information session of EMA(AME) programme
The EMA(AME) programme information session will be held right after the public forum. You are welcome to join and know more about us!


Online registration: https://goo.gl/forms/9x3EgXzkDADNHOn72


Website: http://ema.eduhk.hk/
Email: ema@eduhk.hk
Tel: 2948 7139/ 2948 7088