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International Arts News

A little more than a month before its fair in Miami Beach, Art Basel said that its parent company, MCH Group, had been the subject of a data breach last week.​

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International Arts News

Canadian pianist Bruce (Xiaoyu) Liu has won First Prize at this year’s Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition.​

International Arts News

Ai-Da, a robot who can paint, was detained at the Egyptian border for 10 days ahead of a major exhibition in the country, the Guardian reported. Ai-Da was set to present her work at the foot of the pyramids of Giza, in what is being billed as the first-ever art exhibition held in that historical area.​

International Arts News

Vienna’s museums are putting their works on view in a place where few world-class institutions have ever shown their art: OnlyFans. On that site, visitors can now see an account set up by the city’s tourism board where suggestive works from Viennese institutions like the Albertina and the Leopold Museum are being posted. ​

International Arts News

A nude portrait of a crouching woman, hidden beneath the surface of a Pablo Picasso painting, has been revealed using artificial intelligence, advanced imaging technology and 3D printing.​

International Arts News

There has been a lot of talk about the new collaborative spirit, born out of adversity during the pandemic, among commercial galleries—to some extent it is true, to the rest of that extent it is a good PR line.​

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International Arts News

根據《ARTnews》編譯報導,國際知名的五年展—德國卡塞爾文件展(documenta 15),公布了第15屆藝術家名單,其中台灣藝術家張恩滿與撒古流・巴瓦瓦隆(Sakuliu Pavavaljung)將同時受邀參展,這也是自1964年林壽宇受邀參與文件展,開啟華人首度受邀的紀錄。近幾屆台灣藝術家入選文件展,追溯為2007年的曾御欽,以及2016年王虹凱,睽違五年即將開展的文件展,再度傳出有臺灣藝術家參展。第十五屆德國卡塞爾文件展將於2022年6月開幕,今年由印尼藝術團體ruangrupa所策劃,據悉展覽將強調集體合作的概念。​