News Listing


A fifth of museum staff and students surveyed by the American Alliance of Museums don’t expect to be working in the sector three years from now. The striking figure is part of a broader report released by the organization this week about the state of the field—and it makes clear that museums and their workers will continue to cope with the effects of the global health crisis for some time to come ...



As the months without a paycheck wore on, Joel Noyes, a 41-year-old cellist with the Metropolitan Opera, realized that in order to keep making his mortgage payments he would have to sell one of his most valuable possessions: his 19th-century Russian bow. He reluctantly switched back to the inferior one he had used as a child.


本港戲院在疫情下被先後勒令停業共163天,經營36年的連鎖戲院UA Cinemas(娛藝院線)昨宣布全線6間戲院結業,形容是「一個痛心及艱難的決定」。電影業界稱政府漠視業界「嗌救命」,終現「第一滴血」,擔心龍頭院線倒下有骨牌效應,令日後港產片排期上映有困難,打擊本地電影業。



After a flurry of more than 180 bids in the final hour, a JPG file made by Mike Winkelmann, the digital artist known as Beeple, was sold on Thursday by Christie’s in an online auction for $69.3 million with fees.