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International Arts News

Flat-cap wearing armed robbers staged a brazen daylight raid on an international art fair in the Netherlands on Tuesday, smashing a jewellery case with a sledgehammer in front of terrified visitors.​

Local Arts News

第十六屆鮮浪潮國際短片節本地競賽頒獎典禮已於6月25日晚上圓滿結束,頒發「特別表揚」、「最佳攝影」、「最佳編劇」、「最佳導演」及「鮮浪潮大獎」予參與「本地競賽」的年輕電影創作人及其作品,以示表揚及鼓勵。早前未獲發准映證而取消放映,以失蹤少女「燕琳」為背景的《Time, and Time Again》,連同另外兩部作品入圍「特別表揚」。而捕捉港人當下離散之情,邵知恩執導的《呼~》,則獲「鮮浪潮大獎」和「最佳編劇」兩個獎項。得奬短片將會於七月再次在「鮮浪潮得奬短片巡禮」放映,詳情請查閱官方網頁。​

International Arts News

We reported earlier that more than half of the trains from London to Glastonbury have been cancelled due to strike action. Let's get more on that now...​

International Arts News

We reported earlier that more than half of the trains from London to Glastonbury have been cancelled due to strike action. Let's get more on that now...​

Local Arts News


International Arts News

A vast new arts hub called Plateforme 10 has opened in the Swiss city of Lausanne with the aim to revitalize the surrounding area through culture. Poised to become a new “arts district,” Plateforme 10 spans 25,000 square meters, the equivalent of five football fields. ​

International Arts News

第15屆卡塞爾文件展(documenta fifteen)本(6)月18日熱鬧開幕,但參展的巴勒斯坦藝術家Yazan Khalili幾週前收到一條WhatsApp消息,指出他的展覽空間有人闖入。他所屬的巴勒斯坦藝術團體The Question of Funding,利用德國中部卡塞爾一家前夜總會場地作為展出空間,卻發現有入侵者釋放了一個滅火器任意破壞,並在牆上噴塗了似乎是死亡威脅等相關不適的塗鴉訊息。​

Local Arts News

第16屆鮮浪潮國際短片節今日起於多家戲院放映,14部本地競賽短片與多部精選國際影片將分成不同主題混合播放。昨日(17日)鮮浪潮主辦方於社交平台上宣布,屬於「06委曲求全還是逆命而行」主題下的兩部短片──《群鼠》和《Time, and Time Again》因未獲電檢處在放映前發出「核准證明書」或「拒絕核准證明書」,而須取消放映。​

Local Arts News

政府公布新一期 活化歷史建築伙伴計劃申請結果。其中半山法定古蹟景賢里將活化為茶藝中心、大潭篤原水抽水站員工宿舍群會活化為幼兒學校 。​

Local Arts News
