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International Arts News

Unesco is facing growing calls to relocate its next World Heritage Committee session from Kazan, Russia, following the invasion of Ukraine. Organisations such as the European heritage advocacy group Europa Nostra and the UK culture minister, Nadine Dorries, say that Russia should be blocked from hosting the annual meeting at which the list of World Heritage sites is approved. This year’s event is ...

International Arts News


International Arts News

The Aichi Triennale, one of the most closely watched exhibitions of its kind in Asia, has announced the full list of artists that will participate in its upcoming edition, which is scheduled to run July 30–October 10 in the Japanese city.​

Local Arts News


Local Arts News


Local Arts News

藝術治療因為人才培訓和科技配套,近年在全球有長足發展,然而環境空間本身也占有重要一席位。位於法國巴黎的東京館(The Palais de Tokyo)在今年十二月會落成新的「護理中心」,以此推動藝術康健項目,以慶祝該館成立二十周年。​

International Arts News

Ukraine will launch an NFT museum “to preserve the statehood and history of Ukraine,” Alex Bornyakov, the country’s Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation, said.​

International Arts News


Local Arts News

西九文化區管理局宣布,委任行會召集人陳智思為M+ 董事局新任主席,接替將卸任的羅仲榮。陳智思現時亦是故宮博物館主席,這意味他將會同時掌管西九文化區的兩大博物館。​