Talks & Events

08/02/2013 - 7:00 PM
A workshop co-presented by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and the Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, Ms. Rachel Tackley, Director of English Touring Theatre, will talk about what is the trend of touring in UK - how has it changed over the years and what lies in its future?
03/08/2013 - 7:00 PM
02/18/2013 - 7:30 PM
In collaboration with WKCDA, Australian curator Virginia Hyam (former director of Melbourne Fringe Festival and former Head of Contemporary Culture programming at Sydney Opera House) will share her experience of curating programs and producing events, which have successfully engaged audiences, from indoor performances and festivals to large-scale outdoor events. Examples will be drawn from Sydney Opera House, Melbourne Fringe, Parramasala Festival and her work in the youth arts sector, as well as sighted examples from across the world. Coming from the perspective of a producer/ curator rather than a marketer, she will share insights of building a brand, involving community and capturing the attention of audiences along the way, while supporting the profile of emerging artists.
12/20/2012 - 2:30 PM
工作坊為本地藝術經理而設,旨在引介如何善用網絡力量,使用線上推廣工具及手機程式(Apps),以開拓市場、聯繫觀眾。網絡企業家派亞普(香港)有限公司(Palapple ,董事總經理暨兩間網上公司Snapshock(與海味軒(創辦人蔡智文先生將分享他在商界以網絡拓展業務的經驗,並會介紹合適的線上推廣工具與市場策略,分享有趣的個案,以供藝文界參考。
11/16/2012 - 7:00 PM
本工作坊由西九文化區管理局及香港藝術行政人員協會主辦,講者為悉尼藝術節製作部主管John Bayley。他將會講解策劃戶外節目的須知細節及所面對的挑戰,亦會分享 藝團(特別是中小藝團)在有限的資金及人手下,如何製作具創意及質素的展演。
10/09/2012 - 12:30 PM
08/01/2012 - 2:30 PM
• 舞台慣例及詞彙
• 不同製作人員的角色、職責及關注
• 不同類型舞台製作的過程及製作日程
• 個案分析
04/02/2012 - 2:30 PM
03/08/2012 - 9:30 AM