The Elephant and the Flea by Charles Handy

I hope you enjoy reading “Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices” by the American management guru Peter F. Drucker, which I shared with you in this column last month. I would now like to introduce you with a book by another management master from the UK who rivals Peter F. Drucker in reputation. “The Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist”, one of the finest works by Charles Handy, has been widely respected and recommended by arts administrators. I learnt about this book from a speaker at a cultural forum in 2010 where he shared how the book has influenced him. 


With his personal experiences, Handy analyses the changes in the relationship between organizations and individuals (or large-scale and small-scale organizations) in the future. Published in 2001, Handy’s views on the future status of social development in “The Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist” indeed resonate with what is happening in our world today in 2014. Having previously worked with one of the largest developers in Hong Kong and a Big Four accountant firm before, now managing Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, a comparatively small organization, I comprehend Handy’s analytical perspectives. Whenever I come across choices and challenges at work, I always find his viewpoints and analyses a source of encouragement and guidance.


Almost an autobiography, Handy’s book is highly readable and interesting. It is a good read for everyone. For leaders managing large enterprises, to understand the importance of human resources and learn about contemporary management strategies. For leaders managing small organisations or individuals working for large organisations, to know of one’s self-worth in order to overcome the stress and fears in facing challenges from corporations.




In the ever-changing era of the 21st century, the familiar question “Does man live to work or work to live?” has become a topic of relevance and imminence yet again. 


A former oil executive with the “elephant organisation” Shell, Handy recast himself as a freelancer when he was 49 and embarked on his journey as “the flea”.


Having been concerned with the relationship between organizations and individuals, Handy speaks from his experience and observations in the management profession. He discusses the profession in different fields ranging from education, social structure, management methodology, and capitalism to personal psychological condition, with wisdom and insights throughout his writing.


Handy realises that in society where changes are ever more prevalent, every person would go through the changes of becoming “the flea”. How then should we learn to understand our positioning and  reinvent ourselves, to plan our learning  path and to balance our life? With no school curriculum designed to teach such matters yet, personal experience and guidance from the masters like Charles Handy come to use.


About the author


Charles Handy is a management guru in contemporary United Kingdom, renowned for his innovative viewpoints on “relationship between organisations and individuals” and “the future of work forms”.


He was named the second on the list of the top ten masters of management of Financial Times, where Peter F. Drucker was named first.


Handy’s significant works including “The Empty Raincoat”, have recorded more than one million sales worldwide.