Brands, Fans and Plans: How to Create Customer-Centered Brands in the Arts

10-11-2011 9:30 AM - 10-11-2011 12:30 PM

Brands, Fans and Plans: How to Create Customer-Centered Brands in the Arts

Arts are more complicated than simply an act for the expression of creativity nowadays. With increasing competition from other arts organizations and different kinds of entertainment,the arts are now in the bigleague, needing to adopt corporatemarketing and branding strategiesto makeart and artists sell, and getting more people in the door.

This workshop will look into ways of creating positive perceptions in the minds of customers and potential customers, so as to keep your current audiences while finding new ones.  Successful examples from the arts and corporate spheres will be sited, and ways for small and medium size arts organizations to create great branding strategies will be explored.

Topics include:

  • Branding Your Organization: the need for branding; brand components, brand personality and brand extension
  • Retaining Your Current Customers: the definition and measurement of customer satisfaction, the value of life-time customers, forecasting demands and service guarantees
  • Finding New Customers: using market research, targeting the right markets, implementing an integrated marketing mix, finding a compelling reason for your customers to consume your product


Speaker:           Dr. Scott Wysong

            Date:                11 October 2011 (Tue)

            Time:                9:30am-12:30pm

            Venue:             Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Conference Room (27/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong)

            Language:         English

            Fee:                  Members @$250; Non-members @$300



Scott Wysong is an Associate Professor of Marketing and the Director of the Sports & Entertainment MBA program at the University of Dallas.He has been the visiting professor at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Theatreand Entertainment Arts in 2009, and will be teaching their MFA Arts Facility Management Course in October 2011.


Dr. Wysong has nearly ten years of experience with entertainment and sports events, working with Dallas CityArts Celebration,Tulsa Talons (arena football), Texas Stampede to name a few.  Dr. Wysong holds a MBA and Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Texas at Arlington and a BA in Economics from Vanderbilt University. He teaches classes in Value-Based Marketing, Branding/Sponsorships, Live Events and Services Marketing at the University of Dallas.  Since 2002, Dr. Wysong has been a member of the International Association of Assembly Managers and has served in various capacities.