
05-12-2014 3:00 下午 - 05-12-2014 5:00 下午

社群網絡是藝術團體和藝術家間最常用的宣傳及市場推廣平台之一。為了進一步加深業內人士對社群網絡平台的認識及利用社群網絡應注意的技巧, 香港藝術行政人員協會很榮幸得到奧美公關(香港)及Social@Ogilvy的支持, 邀請了奧美公關(香港)助理總監安展恒先生主持"The Winning Way in Social Media"社群網絡推廣講座。是次講座包括以下主題:


  • 社群網絡的新趨勢
  • 為機構發展有效的社群網絡策略
  • 社群管理的最佳實踐
  • 個案分享
  • 問答環節


日期: 2014年5月12日(星期一)

時間: 下午3時至5時
地點: 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈201室 (香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號)
講者: [link_to | http://www.hkaaa.org.hk/uploads/hkaaa/201404/20140425_105732_Uz2ZS6VG2l_f.pdf |安展恒先生], 奧美公關(香港)助理總監

語言: 廣東話主講
費用: 香港藝術行政人員協會會員@HK$150; 非會員@HK$200


Kevin On
Associate Director
Ogilvy Public Relations, Hong Kong

An award-winning PR practitioner, Kevin brings with him more than 10 years of combined experience in marketing communications, PR and digital marketing. He currently leads the company’s Travel, Tourism and Entertainment Practice in Hong Kong where he is responsible for new business development, PR and digital brand consultancy and strategy and planning for both local and regional clients. 

Some of his more recent projects include brand positioning through PR for Sheraton Macao Hotel, the launch of the Space Expedition Corporation brand in Asia, and UFC’s expansion into Greater China. He also spearheads the Nestle client relationship for the Ogilvy & Mather HK Group, working closely with Nestlé's coffee, ice cream and infant nutrition business units.

Mostly recently, Kevin was involved in driving Very HK, an independent and community-led initiative dedicated to presenting an innovative mix of arts, design, culture and recreational events in forgotten spaces of the city through the use of public spaces. He also supported the HKFYG to launch their “Neighbourhood First” community initiative aimed at promoting a greater sense of responsibility, unity and care for one another within their community.

In his previous role, Kevin led the Hong Kong Social@Ogilvy team in driving social media thought leadership and new business development across different industries, including technology, FMCG and automotive sectors.

Kevin has won a number of awards for his client work and was also selected as HKPRPA’s “Young Professional of the Year” in 2010.